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The Board of Fraudster

This is the internet banking login page for Avis, Nothing done on this internet banking platform is real. Every Balance is fake and every transfers done by this internet banking platform is just fake. Do not be convinced in being told to join and become a VIP black card customer by sending money to Avis, because they will be stealing your money.


The internet banking platform does not follow any regulations needed by the Central Bank. All the banking statement written "Avis Bank" are generated by this system and are not real.  Kindly help stop such people, as they are stealing peoples money. Report your case if you have been scammed by  Avis bank.

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The Board of All Fraudster

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AVIS Directors

Click Picture to View The Person

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Head Of Board For Avis

Click Picture to View The Person

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Directors Son

Part of the Scam group

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Directors Daughter

Part of the Scam group

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